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Job Reference Check Services
Job Reference Checking Services
Job Reference Checking Services

Welcome to Allison & Taylor Reference Checking Services
(800) 890-5645

*Featured on,, ("Top Executive Site" FORBES Magazine.) Also featured in the Wall Street Journal,, Glamour Magazine, New Woman Magazine, Worth Magazine, The Detroit News and The St. Petersburg Times.

Do You Know What Your Former Boss will say about you to a prospective employer?


The #1 reason a qualified job applicant may not get the JOB OFFER is that when your prospective employer conducted a job reference check with your former employer, the former employer gave a negative job reference. This negative job reference might have been in the form of your previous boss:

  • Badmouthing You!
  • Blackballing You!
  • Slandering You!
  • Or simply Giving You a Bad Reference!

Don't let an employer pass you up for a job due to a bad job reference! We will reference check your previous employers, finding out EXACTLY what your former boss will say about you. We can then give you strategies to counteract a BAD REFERENCE!

Find out what your past boss will say about you now!


During a job reference or employment verification check do you really think you are you protected by your former company's policy to only confirm the dates and title of employment?

With just a little pressure, most managers break company policy and speak their mind to either help or hurt a candidate's chance at another job. You need to know what your former employer will say about you to a prospective employer. Click here to find out what is really being said about you.


Job Reference Check
Find out what your past employer will say about you. We call them and give you the results in writing, viewable in your private, secure account.

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Background Check
Get the kind of report employers use to view your financial info, criminal history, and more. Are you sure what they are seeing is accurate?

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Résumé & Reference List Critique
Will your résumé get you the interview? Let an expert review your résumé and offer specific enhancements. Is your reference list modernized?

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Cease & Desist Letter for a Bad Reference
Possible remedies against your employer for a bad reference.

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Job Reference Checking Services
Job Reference Checking Services

The nation's leading provider of employment verification and reference checking since 1984.

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(800) 890-5645

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